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This Pound Sterling and United States Dollar convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 1, 2025.
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Pound Sterling. Use "Swap currencies" to make United States Dollar the default currency. Click on United States Dollars or Pounds Sterling to convert between that currency and all other currencies.
Pound Sterling is the currency in Channel Islands (Aldernay, Guernsey, Jersey, Sark), Isle of Man, and United Kingdom (England, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, UK, GB, GBR). The United States Dollar is the currency in American Samoa (AS, ASM), British Virgin Islands (VG, VGB, BVI), El Salvador (SV, SLV), Guam (GU, GUM), Marshall Islands (MH, MHL), Micronesia (Federated States of Micronesia, FM, FSM), Northern Mariana Islands (MP, MNP), Palau (PW, PLW), Puerto Rico (PR, PRI), United States (United States of America, US, USA), Turks and Caicos Islands (TC, TCA), Virgin Islands (VI, VIR), Timor-Leste, Ecuador (EC, ECU), Johnston Island, Midway Islands, and Wake Island. Pound Sterling is also known as the British Pound, the United Kingdom Pound, UKP, STG, the English Pound, British Pound Sterling, BPS, and Sterlings. The United States Dollar is also known as the American Dollar, and the US Dollar. The symbol for USD can be written $. Pound Sterling is divided into 100 pence. The United States Dollar is divided into 100 cents. The exchange rate for Pound Sterling was last updated on February 27, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate for the United States Dollar was last updated on February 27, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The GBP conversion factor has 6 significant digits. The USD conversion factor has 6 significant digits.
Currency Conversion Comments
This page was very helpful, thank you
I find the listing of locations used somewhat confusing. For instance, the four places listed in the following sentence all refer to the same country. "The United States Dollar is used in The US, The USA, The United States, and The United States of America." I am pleased to see the various names for a country, but the display leaves it unclear when a currency is used in a variety of countries, like the Euro, or in a single one, like the US dollar.
This is one currency calculator our Nazish IS department does not have blocked...Thanx.
Listings should be in USD instead of GBP/. This is quite confusion for us who purchase and are not aware of the price being GBP. Please state information like this.
Your page was very helpful
thank you
The page is indeed very much useful to get an overall idea but does it accounts for daily changes?
This page is updated daily to reflect the most recent exchange rates.
This was a very helpful and easy way to convert pounds to US dollars. Thank you so much!
Easy to use!
Just what I was looking for...
instructor from hell...who teaches business communications..gives us extra credit questions on tests. this one was converting .99 gbp litre of petro to US dollars gallons....Thank you for this page....made a non math majors job so much easier
Thank you .....this page has been a great help!!!
very helpful very easy to use
easy to use and straight to the point just what i like.
Thank you for designing the page
I agree. Need to show USD also on items being sold. Otherwise I will not be guilty again of purchasing international. Very confusing.
Quick and easy, very quick!
Without this conversion tool I would probably miss many buying opportunities. 2 thumbs up!!!
you helped me to make sure that a man did not hose me all the way from hong kong
WoW Great work excelent nice script vb :)
thanks i am selling some british books here in america and did not know what they were worth and now i do
=] I haven't been ripped off by the US gut afterall
WOW - i'll always use this website from now on! i never knew it was here - very useful!
I'll tell everyone going with me!
Big up to everyone going to New York - OPS!!
i have been looking for a page like this for ever, the rate is new each day, so site is a (VERY) USEFUL TOOL TO HAVE.
I am so thankful for finding your website! You have the best layed out site and easy to use currency converter I have found on the Internet.
i ues this because they put most things on ebay in gbp an it is hard to buy stuff when u hav american money and not usc ty
Simple, helpful,easy to use, a really nice coversion tool
this place is so helpful
found seven hundred chinese yen at the bottom of my ruck sack , bingo 28 english pounds , i'm off to find a pub that will take it . cheerio. great site
Brilliant. Now I can give correct postage to the US without worrying that I'm overcharging or losing out.
Your site should be linked from Ebay!!
Was very helpful to me
very ~ very user friendly even when the user dosen't know a lick about other currency.
Thanks very much.
Things just don't come any easier than this. Many thanks
this was very helpful. I'm headed to England and I had no idea what to expect. NOW I DO!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!
this has been the best help ever
u need to put how certain currencyies r measured, like POUNDS!!!!! lol
other than that i like ur web page
We are going to Edinburgh,Scotland to do Our
Reaffirmation of Our Wedding Vows in August 7,2006.Your website made it very easy to pay
all the wedding expenses to our Tour Guide and Wedding Planner in Edinburgh,Scotland ahead of time.
Thank You
Very easy to use. Helped a lot to check a price on E-Bay>
i am constantly buying items on ebay, and with me not realizing that the money was different from the Uk to the United states, this helped me out alot now i just saved lots of money thanks to you, because now i can compare the money right on your site..Thanks so much
This site is fabulous, but I wish I'd seen it sooner! Now I know I overpaid on something by about $40. NEVER AGAIN!! :-)
this was wonderful. thank you so much. you really helped me out and fast too.
I found this for my friend who needed it for a project. It's uber helpful! Now I'm a hero. Thanks!
This is a quick and easy way to determine the cost of stocks and to determine if the exchange rate is a contributor to price changes.
Now I can use mt credit card in Britain!
Thanks, I really needed this!
Thank you for this opportunity I tell my friends
thanks one heck of alot, i now no i can afford to upgrade to a guardian on one of my games!!!!
hey thanks a lot you just took an allday task and turned it into about 1 hour of work for me ......can't thank you enough....Billy
thank it was very helpful
This is an excellent free service. Is there any plan to move this to GPRS for mobile phones?
I am glad I saw you guys before I bid on an item, because did not know how to convert the exchange rate. Saved me Double, of what I thought I would have paid. Great Site!!! Will recommend to all my friends.
Thanxs a MILLION HA! HA!
I have to go to foreing countries on work reasons. I do not know the value of the particular correcncies... Now Coinmill is my default home page in my computer...... Many many thanks.....
Fantastic support!! Smashing I'll tell everyone about it...
Just Simply Great !! Keep it up.
I need to see the exchange rate for the pounds to the $ and just by going to yahoo search, this popped up and im very satisfied. You should have a the countries in one column though according to their alpabets
I really appreciate this site. No other site can perform in such siplicity as this site.
Hello from the Tampa Bay Area. It looks like we are going to have to feed these wild animals, or they will not be looking good.
I loved your Computer Screen, telling us how to convert our $$ to there's. Looks like, this time, they are winning.
I guess I just don't get it. ALl I want to know is what an item which is listed as pounds cost in USA? How can we bid and not have ant idea what we are spending/
I was really surprised by this very quick search. Many thanks!
this page was very helpful. I still can't believe it!
Easy to find on web,fast. A no brainer, what site to use. How much easier could it be?
I wish that allover-seas sellers, on EBay ,would put a reference to this page along with their items It would be even better if they would do all the conversions before. As they say 'If wishes were horses...' Thanks for being there
This is the future of technologoy! It really woke me up to see how amazing this program is. I thank you from my the deepest part of my bowels. I will forever be indebted to your great generosity. I recently got in a car acident on the Isle of Man. I was not sure how much to pay the tow truck driver, but I hopped on my lap top and found... you. I payed the man and went on my way. I now realize that if it weren't for you I wouldn't have been able able to get my car repaired, which would have led to me forever live on the streets of the forsaken Isle of Man.
In closing I would like to ask you three questions of love.
1: Where do you live?
2: Do you have a myspace account
3: Are you man beast or lady friend?
Always and forever yours
thanks for informative site
Very Useful - Google Sponsored Sites Always Get my Appreciation // Doing Vilianous Work Needs to Be Converted To USD :)
It took me a few minutes to find you, but yours is hands-down the most helpful, easy to use conversion calculator on the internet! Have forwarded it already.
Just asking would like to know....
Would help me out alot thanks.
please get back to me with this :D
I use this site as my main source of conversion. Quick, easy and accurate.
Well, Thank you for this web site, Stephen, is it?
I've been searching for numerous currency values to the dollar, and this is most likely one of the simplest and most helpful sites around.
And I wouldn't be surprised if it were the ONLY site aound like this.
Well done.
It was easy!
Use this site quite a bit very easy to operate.
Good quick conversion, accurate
brilliant thank you
Appreciated this easy to use technique
I needed to order replacement jewelry that I got at the science museum in my which was made in the UK and the prices are all in GBP! And since I didn't know the conversion to USD this really helped!
Very easy to use and amend details if needed. I will use again.
This page is very helpful.
My Dreams come True
I used it to see how much my Wii would cost!
i am very glade to visit your page it affect me in some profound way thanks.....
thank you so much, this site is very informative and to the point.
thanks agian!
it is well worth noting that the current trade dispute with the united states has meant a levy of 14% tax is loaded and then a v.a.t. payment of 17.5% on total including shipping and insurance.example
ebay toolbox 18000 usd 18000
shipping 1881 usd 19881
tool tax 1.7% 20218.98
dispute levy 14% 23049.64
vat 17.5% 27083.33
thats now an increase in price by over nine thousand dollars.
i made this fateful mistake. i urge you all to me more cautious than i when trading with the states. it is worth noting that there are no import taxes or duties to pay when trading with the E.U.
This applies to the states only.
NO wonder they are so popular.
I simply wanted to know how much 10 u.s dollars would be in british sterling. now i know! thanks, you saved my bacon. Your the best. (it was 5.32 by the way!)
thank u so much... it was so helpful for me to convert cause i had to check the flight rates...
It was so easy to get the conversion rate. Thanks very much.
Been trying conversions all afternoon, then found your web page. Thanks.
Thanks so much.
Now i know how much money i will needto go to the cordon bleu.=)
Leaving for London in 3 weeks great to know what to expect money wise
This is a very easy site to use, and really acurate. Thank you for he help!
This website is quite good but it doesn't do what i need it to do, but from the other comments i read your website must be great. i would like to say hello to anyone who goes to denefield school in reading (not that i know you)
thanks, this is so simple to use and quick. it takes the hassle aa from currency conversion!
Other sites offer conversion ability, but none offer such a simple and, therefore, quick way to convert as yours. I often consult your site for eBay purchases and am currently watching for the GBP to USD rate to change before making a payment. Thanks for this great site!
Great and very helpful. however to make it easyier to use i would put the directions closer to the actual caculator
Google pointed me here! Used it to convert from GBP to USD for Ebay purchase. At least I can figure out the total in a short moment. Thank you!
Dear Sir
My son came back from the USA after spending 3 years working in New York amassing quite a considerable amount of USD coinage. Can you tell me where we can exchange this coinage to Sterling in the UK
This is an easy site to use. Thank you.
thanxz like soo freakin much dude this like totally helped!
So quick and easy to use. Sitename is also easy to remember. I have been coming back for several months mainly because I can remember the name but also because it is so easy to use
Well Done!
Easy to use, very helpfull.
“Nothing can have value without being an object of utility”
Karl Marx quotes (German political Philosopher and revolutionary, 1818-1883)
pity you don't help people to find someone to supply that good rate everyone thanks you for publishing. You seem only to publish positive endorsements that's unnatural.
You should post the worlds greatest cookie recipie on here! But over all..it was easy I had no problems im actually adding this site to my Favorites for future use. Thanks for who ever made this.
I agree. Purchase price for items should be displayed in USD as well as GBP as item I just purchased was not worth the amount I was commited to pay.
WOW, I thought the American dollar was worth more abroad. Boy was I wrong! I did not realize this until I started converting the GBP into USD.
all family in UK has help in converting cash gifts. A+++ thanks much very helpful
This site is great I do allot of ebay transactions and this has been extremely helpful. WOW! Thanks again
very fast and easy to use.
superb. many thanks.
i buy a lot of stuff from the us for my goldwing using pay-pal and this site helps me get the best for my money A+++++++++TIP-TOP
Always handy to find one of these. Especially one that is so easy to use and so accurate.
Thanks :)
thanx your page was very helpful.
9.70 converted to 19.07 USD. Whew! I'll still buy the item.
Your site is very handy in making a decision as to whether or not a "low price" item is worth the 12x increase in postage to the States. And one poster is incorrect... vat applies to anyone in the USA making a purchase in Europe or England... Our sales taxes are cheaper than your vat taxes!
accurate, quick,easy...need I say more!?!
Great site very helpful when it comes to times like this!
This is truly a remarkable and wonderful site to obtain valuable information and perfom calculations with which I am not familiar. Thank you so much.
wow tht was realy helpfull,but still one thing is tikin me, if it provide us with current rates?
Was Extremley Useful For My Tech Reseach Page!
Where do I buy USD at this rate?
What have I missed
I'm so glad to have found this website. I could not figure out how much my membership fee was until I found this page!
I wanted this kind of website a long time ago, thanks a million!
theres loads of sites like this, like the yahoo one which does every currency!
Thank you soo much this truely helped me ^-^
Most helpful in applying conversion rates to currency with which I am not familiar. A wonderful resource.
User friendly site. Accurately and quickly converts Brittish and American monetary units.
Very Fast Way For Converting my Loot and Swag.
Thank you for this tool
Thanks a lot, just what i needed, i'm so excited oh my...
As a camera fanatic, I often browse electronic sites in Great Britain to compare pricing. The conversion chart is perfect.
Thank you very much for offering this site.
I really appreciate it.
This is exactly what we needed to take with us for reference. The information was invaluable and since this is our first trip abroad, we will feel more comfortable with our charts to help us! Thanks for the site...we appreciate it!
very userfull,
I was trying to convert the price of a bass guitar I wanted into pounds, this really helped. Ty.
i want to know the value of " one cent " in " indian rupees ".......can u help me out
This conversion table is very easy to use. I order documents pertaining to my genealogy research from the General Records Office in England. It is good to know approximately how much money a document will cost me.
Very useful and simple to use good tool.
Your conversion chart gave me my answer in just seconds. Thank You
This is a very nice site. It's very convenient for all the visitors. Thank you so much for your help.
i found pounds this site was very helpful i delighted
I needed to know about this for runescape!
This webstite rock!
I am very interested in the United Kingdom so i was looking for a way to learn using the british pound,thanks this page helped me a lot.
I also was making a purchase on EBay and the UK retailer has prices listed in the British pound.
This is an excellent site that was very quick, very convenient and a good find!
I am so glad I came to this site!
useful converter, thanks!
There is so much stuff on the left of the page that when you print out the page the calculations are cut off on the right of the paper. I need a hard copy on the calculation for a file. Other than that it works well.
Please accept my heartiest congratulations for creating such a great site. I found it very helpful.
Quick and Easy to navigate. Recommend!
It was great converting GBD into USD
Very good page for checking exchange rates, helps me in all my needs.
Our company sells to many companies around the world. I always come to you first. Don't know what I'd do without you! Thanks for making my job easier.
i love this site it helps me alot with money.