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This Australian Dollar and Pound Sterling convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 27, 2025.
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Australian Dollar. Use "Swap currencies" to make Pound Sterling the default currency. Click on Pounds Sterling or Australian Dollars to convert between that currency and all other currencies.
The Australian Dollar is the currency in Australia (AU, AUS), Canton and Enderbury Islands, Christmas Island (CX, CXR), Cocos Islands (Keeling Islands, CC, CCK), Heard and McDonald Islands (HM, HMD), Kiribati (KI, KIR), Nauru (NR, NRU), Norfolk Island (NF, NFK), and Tuvalu (TV, TUV). Pound Sterling is the currency in Channel Islands (Aldernay, Guernsey, Jersey, Sark), Isle of Man, and United Kingdom (England, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, UK, GB, GBR). Pound Sterling is also known as the British Pound, the United Kingdom Pound, UKP, STG, the English Pound, British Pound Sterling, BPS, and Sterlings. The symbol for AUD can be written A$, Au$, $Au, Aud$, $Aud, Aus$, and $Aus. The Australian Dollar is divided into 100 cents. Pound Sterling is divided into 100 pence. The exchange rate for the Australian Dollar was last updated on March 26, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate for Pound Sterling was last updated on March 27, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The AUD conversion factor has 6 significant digits. The GBP conversion factor has 6 significant digits.
Currency Conversion Comments
Sorted my conversion problem instantly. Easily understood instructions.
Steve Riley U.K
Easy fast conversion info. Thanks so much for this excellent site!
Just like Magic, so easy, no need to guess & get it wrong
Just like asking an expert!
Made the conversion so easy. Great site!
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Needed to convert $au to English pounds and $us.
The speed amazed me.
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Easy as 1,2,3! Brilliant Site. Thanks!
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Just at the click of a button, your money is converted! Amazing!
Keeping it simple!
Very necessary when comparing the costs of living here against UK, having just moved here.
Thanks for your Great Web Page and easy ways to work out the difference between dollars and pounds
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